Virtual Ship's Log from Captain Hammer

'Cause I don't have enough to do already

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

More on the Drought

Yeah, I know- it's getting old. But as I have always been kind of a weather buff, and this is exceptional, I am staying tuned in. This weekend my son went to a Boy Scout camp that had local professors and scientists teaching merit badges with an environmental theme. In Soil and Water Conservation the instructor took an apple and cut it into fourths. He took one piece, "this is the amount of land in the world". He cut that section again into fourths. "One of these pieces represents how much of the land is not mountains nor is frozen". Cutting 1/4 again gets you to the approximate amount of land on Earth that is farmable. This example, plus the fact that 1 inch of topsoil takes 500-1000 years to create, makes this even more heart-breaking.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, this has been the perfect time for all those merit badges...Environmental Science, Soil/Water Cons, Emergency Preparedness, First Aid, Farm Mechanics, Fire Safety (although this is redundant when already earning the Fireman's Chit), Forestry....

    Those dust storms are awesome to watch but it's a scary situation in regard to our ability to grow crops over the short term. However, it's happened before and it will happen again.
