Virtual Ship's Log from Captain Hammer

'Cause I don't have enough to do already

Monday, June 7, 2010

Things I Have Learned

Been busy: wedding, bachelor weekend, another San Diego trip, etc, etc, no excuses, I'm a slacker. I have some catching up to do- on the canoe and on the blog. Canoe work will continue this weekend (the boy is leaving for scout camp, and I'm taking Monday off. Perfect weekend to work). Blog catch up: things I've learned since last post

1. caterpillars like peppers
2. it only takes some rented tuxes and a thousand dollar camera to make you and your friends look like Reservoir Dogs bad asses
3. it only takes one asparagus spear to make my pee smell weird

Pictures I've taken since last post:

1. huge sailboat in San Diego bay; the one in the middle is at least twice the size as your average boat (black sail)
2. inside Enchanted Rock cave
3. "Pepe, the Pepper Eating Caterpillar". That bastard was as big as a finger after decimating my serranos.
4. Groomsmen at Lee's wedding. I'm second from the left, Mr. Blonde. Which Reservoir Dog are you? Find out.

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