Virtual Ship's Log from Captain Hammer

'Cause I don't have enough to do already

Friday, August 26, 2011

Last time I'll complain about the Summer-

Wednesday broke the record for number of days in a year above 100, and there is no high temp below 102 predicted for as far as they care to predict. It's getting serious, and we're making national news ( ). This will be the last time this year I will complain about the heat. Honest. It's just too depressing to think about.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This is getting serious.

I have actually been dreaming of rain. A summer like this is just as depressing as a winter in Alaska (although I've often thought I'd actually like a winter in Alaska). People here get cabin fever, start gaining weight, and start driving even worse than usual. What to do? Either cower from the heat (with trips to the museum or NERF modification projects, see pics) or confront it head on by standing in a line all day in the sun in close proximity to strangers. Yessir, I'm talking about Six Flags over Texas. Until last week, I hadn't been to Six Flags but once in the last 20 years. It left such an impression on me as a kid; back then we went 1 time a year, and it ranked up there with Christmas. We didn't have a lot of money growing up, but my dad worked for the electric company, which had a yearly work retreat at Six Flags. Other than the new corporate sponsored attractions, it hasn't changed too terribly much. Of course, there are new rides. Among them is the Batman roller coaster- one of those ones where you hang, legs dangling, from the carriage. It was awesome.