Don't you love it when you request a day off 2 weeks in advance, for no other reason than just needing a day off, and the weather turns out to be the best in months? Friday was gorgeous. I hadn't taken the Li'l Longhorn (the canoe) out all winter, and her spring-time debut was perfect. I paddled my lady and myself from the Walsh landing to Laguna Gloria where we had lunch on the little dock. The weather continued throughout the weekend, and graced all my spring rituals: brewing a batch of hefeweizen with Bryan, planting 3 hop rhizomes, and an evening of poker and drinks on Governor T's veranda.
The canoe is in perfect shape, and ready to be outfitted with a sail. It was good to paddle around and remember both how maneuverable she is, and how lazy I am and how much I'd love to harness some of that free wind power to save my paddling arm.
Next weekend starts the construction in ernest. The challenges, obstacles, and goals are as follows:
1. No part of the original canoe will be altered in any way. Every component to make her sail will be removable without leaving any sign it was there.
2. It has to be easy. Not simple to make, but easy to tear down, transport, and set up.
3. And, as always, it has to be cheap.